Sunday, August 27, 2006

August 26 Flu Update

Bird flu was found on a Vietnemese farm--second time this month.

Indonesia, under fire for cuttting bird flu spending, has asked the world for financial support.

Wellfleet, MA, on Cape Cod, did a bird flu exercise ("birdfluplex") that simulated the first week of a pandemic. They believe they are ready.

A bird flu exercise was also held in the Philippines.

South Africa will continue to cull illegally imported poultry.

Turkey will hold a bird flu drill.

California continues to prepare for bird flu.

Effect Measure follows up on the idea of discounted vaccines for countries with sequences in the public domain--calling for leadership in public health.

ProMed on whether flu in South Africa is H5N1 or not.

An article on the bird flu from the perspective of medical ethics. Article is critical of a recent article on triage criteria, and states that since young people are most vulnerable, perhaps they should receive medication first.

Azerbaijan has ended its bird flu monitoring program.


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