Sunday, October 02, 2005

October 1 Flu Update

The Reveres have declared this to be Pandemic Flu Awareness Week. Do your part!!

ASEAN countries announced a regional plan to fight bird flu--note, its a three-year plan.

China announces a bird flu plan for this winter, only two days after announcing....a plan for fighting a flu pandemic.

Brazil is producing a bird flu vaccine--using a strain developed in Britain. Production will begin early 07. Note below--is this different than mass immunization?

Oliveira said that the vaccines would be used to ”immunise anyone whom health authorities feel may have had some kind of contact with someone suspected of having the bird flu.”
Here's a story on the US Senate passing new funds on Thursday.

The Swiss are pledging $3.9M to UN flu efforts. Note, they have tamiflu at 25% of population.

Hey, Albania is tightening up its bird flu plans.

Excellent Times (London) column on bird, urging support of the UN's fundraising. Compares Britain's Tamiflu stockpile to the Maginot Line.

The Times (London) also has a strong piece on Tamiflu resistant H5N1--which would throw a major curve to the entire world.

WHO immediately backpedals on Nabarro's death claims.

On Good Morning America, Nabarro of WHO says that now, H5N1 deaths will be between 5M and 150M.

UN continues to backpedal on the 150M claim.

A profile of Dr. John Horvath, who is leading Australia's bird flu fight.

An Indian plan is released on the bird flu.

ABC News continued its week-long bird flu series with this from Medical Affairs reporter Dr. Ross. Note below:

Officials tell ABC News that if the flu were to strike, parts of major cities would have to be quarantined, and stadiums would serve as makeshift hospitals. There would likely be a shortage of Tamiflu, the only medicine that so far seems effective in treating flu victims in Asia.
CIDRAP on Senate funding.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune is talking about stockpiling anti-virals in a column.

Recombinomics notes 14 people in the hospital in Toronto with an unknown respiratory virus, with four deaths.

In a later update, the hospital appears to rule out H5N1 or SARS, though Recombinomics thinks they need more data.

In Indonesia, three more patients were admitted to a hospital.

Recombinomics on reports of two strains circulating in Indonesia.

Recombinomics on recombination in Indonesia, and whether it was driven by a bird vaccine.

The BBC asks how bird flu can be tackled.

Effect Measure on a case in East Java--outside the capital.

A County Supervisor in Appleton, WI, has taken matters for planning into his own hands (via Effect Measure).

Here's an Effect Measure post that links to a thread on Daily Kos on political figures waking up to the bird flu.

Crofsblogs has a Globe and Mail report on Canadian disaster plans, and holes that exist.

Crofsblog has the latest from Peter Sandman, a leading risk communicator, on how to communicate flu in "the numbers game."

Crofsblog also has this in Newsweek, who interviewted Laurie Garrett. Keywords: "We are in real trouble."

Finally, we're all in REAL TROUBLE. The Onion has caught on to us. (Crofsblogs).


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