Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Occtober 4 Flu Update

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee researchers are announcing the discovery of a "novel compound" that gives broad protection against influenza.

Researchers discovered a peptide - a small protein molecule - that effectively blocks the influenza virus from attaching to and entering the cells of its host, thwarting its ability to replicate and infect more cells.

Here's the UW-M press release on the peptide.

China is reporting another outbreak in Yinchuan, with 1,000 dead birds.

To me this makes eminent sense. The Trust for America's Health is calling for a "master plan" for vaccine development. They believe that it would translate science to preparedness faster.

A new case has been reported in Indonesia. A 21 year old woman.

New Guinea has alloted funds to prepare for the bird flu.

West Java has a new plan to "up" flu measures.

A Central Asian flu conference will be held in Kazahkstan.

Philipinos are being asked to prepare for bird flu.

On a challenge from the Governor, Indiana counties are preparing for a pandemic.

South Dakota is preparing for the pandemic.


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