Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 5 Flu Update

Bloomberg reports what we have all seen...the rate of new outbreaks has slowed. Warmer weather is at least part of the reason.

To the contrary, Recombinomics thinks the evidence points to more outbreaks in the Spring and Summer.

China has confirmed an H5N1 outbreak in the Western part of the country.

Here's the text of the resolution for the APEC cooperative flu plan.

Another APEC angle....plan represents residual optimism that a flu pandemic can be survived.

Singapore will be the storehouse for Asia's emergency Tamiflu stash.

Businesses in Ireland will be briefed next week on how to survive a pandemic.

The EU is testing a bird flu vaccine on seven sites.

Nepal has divided up the job of dealing with the bird flu threat into six project groups.

The Times of London attempts to straighten out the confusion between the the H7 virus and the H5N1 virus--made worse by the computer simulation report that came out at about the same time. Prepare for H5N1, he says.

Reuters factbox on the spread of the bird flu.

Vietnam is asking for China's continuing support, including supplying bird vaccine.

Pakistan human cases!

Insurance industry publication on the RMS report on flu possibly being worse than in 1918.

CIDRAP on Ivory Coast...

and yesterday's story on Dr. Webster calling flu virus the "worst."

Here's a poultry industry Q&A on the bird flu.

Effect Measure reviews the US $1B cell culture vaccine initiative, which he says is good "in principle" but he doesn't trust the administration to not mess it up.

Effect Measure also looks at the commentary on the US pandemic plan....saying that DHS being in control, and the emphasis on state and local response are the key things people are commenting on.

Here's the Greenhammer link he has collected commentary on the US flu plan.

Effect Measure also comments on the story that the virus could live in blood--another surprise from H5N1.

ProMed runs the Branswell story, with a mod comment from's what he said.

The lack of quantifiable data in this report makes the thesis difficult to evaluate. It is unlikely, however, that H5N1 virus infection poses an enhanced risk for blood transfusion. - Mod.CP

ProMed on the possibility (reported yesterday) of a new case in Egypt.

ProMed with news from the Ivory Coast.

Recombinomics talks about surveillance systems as "flawed," pointing out high rates of false negatives.

Recombinomics disputes rising momentum for the poultry trade over migratory bird arguments.

Official WHO report on fifth Egyptian death.


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