Sunday, April 09, 2006

April 8 Flu Update

Very interesting AP report talks about a California lab that is the go to lab for suspected flu cases. Story reveals a number of times that bird flu was suspected in humans in California (mostly from travellers returning from Asia).

There's another suspected human case in India.

More sick birds in India, more culling.

Vietnam has more bird cases, near the Chinese border. ProMed reports. Also, birds now sick with flu in Zagreb.

Vietnam is tightening border controls, with flu now in Cambodia.

``The trading in live birds across borders is one of the main causes of the spread of H5N1,'' said David Nabarro, the United Nations' senior coordinator for avian and human influenza, speaking to journalists today in Hanoi at the end of a visit to the country. ``In Vietnam, it is being very clearly stressed to us that the border controls are going to be intensified.''

No flu in Spain yet, but they are on the alert.

Story says in Australia, their plans are so far along that they are trying to figure out what to do with the bodies. (??--not sure maybe they shouldn't work on getting a little farther along on the other fronts.)

The SPCA is afraid pet dumping will result from bird flu.

A British expert says bird flu will be the end of organic farming.

A top scientist says there is no bird flu crisis, and Britain is better prepared than most.

Another article touting Britain as having the best scientists fighting the bird flu.

The Telegraph is critical of government secrecy on bird flu, as well as how drugs will be rationed.

Effect Measure comments on FDA rules to protect against antiviral resistance in flu..

The second part of Canada's pandemic plan--the one that says how and when things would happen--is due out soon.

DeSoto County has a pandemic plan (NC).


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