Saturday, September 17, 2005

September 16 Flu Update

Yesterday's big flu news, really, was that ABC News Primetime did a story on the potential for tamiflu shortages.

UPDATE: This is nothing new for long-time readers, but this article is a must-read for anyone who wonders what the fuss is about. These people are not nuts--Bill Frist, Foreign Affairs, Dr. Osterholm. These people in the mainstream are talking about casket shortages......

Although Recombinomics still says they got it wrong, it has driven people to seek info on the web about AI, including here. People in the blogosphere are negative about the MSM, but they still have the power to drive mass audience. Crofsblog wrote on this here and here.

Speaking for ourselves, we had the most hits we had in a single day since we were linked on in February of this year.

So, if you're here because of the ABC story, welcome. Feel free to look around, and check back often. We update flu news links every day. Thanks for your interest.

The IHT notes that with repeated strong statements from WHO in the past week, and President Bush's address at the UN, the global drive on the bird flu is stepping up.

Reuters has this on business preperation for the flu--companies may be preparing more realistically than government.

As if on cue, Italy is stepping up its bird flu protection.

In Australia, bird smuggling is discouraged.

Russia has backed President Bush's flu partnership plan.

Australia is also joining the global flu fight.

Vietnam says September has brought no new cases of bird flu.

WHO update 29 confirms that the Indonesian case was H5N1.

Glaxo gets some local pub in Philly for being part of Presidential Pandemic Plan.

The New Scientist says that trials of a low-dose H5N1 vaccine are underway. If you will recall, amidst the media celebration of August's vaccine news there was the cautionary tale that the promising results were generated by giving two 90-microgram doses four weeks apart. Trials today include doses as low as 3.5 micrograms.

CIDRAP on the US flu plan.

CIDRAP on the confirmed death in Indonesia.

Recombinomics says 16 nations have hopped onto the President's plan.

Recombinomics has the news of the concerns raised by the confirmation of H5N1 in Indonesia.

Recombinomics also says the Indonesian case is a geographic cluster.

Effect Measure comments on the Canadian flu conference story we ran a couple days ago.

ProMed on the Indonesian confirmation.

Crofsblog notes that Bloomberg has stories of a fifth case in Indonesia.


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote a note to the reporter, Supari, and got an answer back to my query.

The fifth case is a close contact to the fourth case, and is being tested for H5N1 due to the contact--this person has no symptoms as of yesterday and the testing is precautionary.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Orange said...

Lisa the GP--going out for some direct data gathering. Fine work!


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