Monday, May 30, 2005

May 30 Flu Update

New Zealand press talks about Chinese underestimation of bird flu problems.

South Australia is simulating the response to its bird flu problem.

Congress looks at a flu pandemic. Among the topics--where will the health care workers come from.

In South Africa, they are expecting the pandemic to hit hard.

Recombinomics says that WHO should be pushing harder for answers in China.

Recombinomics writes about the GAO report on the US pandemic plan--and how it falls short. Recombinomics then tracks the situation point by point, showing where our government should acted.

The US has wasted a year. H5N1 has not.

Here's the GAO report.

Effect Measure on the false claims of drug companies that there is no money in vaccines.

Effect Measure on the Chinese giving up their vaccine plans.


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