Sunday, October 16, 2005

October 15 Flu Update

Reuters on the Romania confirmation we had yesterday.

Romania quarantines an area after H5N1 is confirmed.

Here's the EU's official release on the bird flu.

ProMed on the Romanian test results.

New Indonesian death reported, via Jakarta Post, via Crofsblogs.

Secretary Leavitt is talking about incentives for bird flu vaccine production. This has been talked about here and elsewhere before, but I think its clear we have to demonstrate a market to get them to jump in on this. A purely commercial market approach (gasp) won't help in this case.

``We're discussing with them and acknowledging the fact that there is a compelling national interest for a vaccine manufacturing capacity to exist,'' Leavitt said today outside the Vietnamese capital Hanoi, where he is on an official visit. When asked if the U.S. government may be willing to provide incentives or aid, Leavitt said, ``In certain circumstances, there may be no other way.''

Another article on European bird flu protection measures. See below for black comedy.

Turkish veterinary officials in protective plastic suits, masks and goggles were trying to catch the remaining birds in the village of Kiziksa, where the virus was detected, and to persuade villagers hiding their chickens to surrender them.
The Palenstinian Territories are flu free.

So are the United Arab Emirates.

On the Middle East roll call, Lebanon is bird flu free.

An Indian company is saying it will soon produce a cheap version of Tamiflu.

Condi Rice and Chirac meeting on bird flu, among others.

Here's a basic, soup to nuts summary of bird flu that ran on the American wires this AM.

Secretary Leavitt has inked flu agreements with Laos and Cambodia.

The EU is trying to calm fear, but it doesn't have much ammunition.

Here's a what-if story on a flu pandemic hitting New Zealand.

ABC News has Secretary Leavitt sounding the warning in Thailand.

I'm not sold, but I do find Secretary Leavitt catching on more and more every day. He might really get it. This is from MSNBC.

“Can we create a network of surveillance sufficient enough to find the spark when it happens, to get there fast enough?” he said. “The chances of that happening are not good.”
Here's a reasonable, if a little wrong, statement from Bird Life International.

Helen Branswell is back, with news that there are additional, unpublished reports of tamiflu resistance in H5N1.

Effect Measure has comments on this news....

Canada is stockpiling Tamiflu.

The Arizona Republic says US flu preperation is a disgrace.

Effect Measure on the Romanian news.

Effect Measure with a highly technical story on Tamiflu resistance.

Recombinomics on Romania.

Recombinomics looks through the Tamiflu resistance story, noting that Tamiflu is being used in a couple countries right now.


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